Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Morning Observations

Well, I didn't ride this morning; however, I have noticed that since I started over a year ago. I'm seeing more commuters. On my drive this morning I took the time to study the world passing by as I made my way to work. One of the trends I'm seeing is that some seem to have divested themselves of backpacks and the like and are actually using panniers. On my way home last night I even saw someone using a good set of lights; however, my excitement was offset by the fact that he was eastbound on the sidewalk of the westbound feeder of I-10. I'm still seeing a high percentage of Hispanics on "yard sculptures" Cheap Huffys and the like from Wallymart. However, I'm overall optimistic about cycle commutng in Houston.


Nord said...

I've been noticing the same thing. I'm one of those that ditched the backpack/messenger in favor of panniers, and I'm never going back. My only problem is that the panniers are old (but free!) and the mounting system is less than quick releasing.

Maybe we'll cross paths some day at the 610/Memorial intersection.

SD_pedalpower said...

This past summer I switched to the Top peak rack and bag on both my Trek MB and Wally Road bike. I will never go back to the pack.

amidnightrider said...

I'm still a pack guy. It's only a 10 mile commute and the pack is not very heavy.

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Peter Wang said...

I don't see any more commuters out here in the suburbs. I start on FM-529 in Cy-Fair, and end up just inside Beltway 8. I always ride alone, except there are some more commuters inside Beltway 8. What will it take? $10 gasoline? Actual shortages?

Sirrus Rider said...


You are probably on the right track. People resist change and in the face of starving or going without it's at that point we'll see more people take up bikes. More importantly people need to see that it CAN be done in this town.